Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Last Goodbye

There was a post on the MG FB Group about saying goodbye to your missionary and since I did not have my blog when Brandon and I said goodbye and it has been on my mind I will post it in a little more detail here.

The last time I saw Brandon was in the Seattle airport as he left for the MTC. That morning I drove to his house and his mom had made breakfast. Everyone was trying to act happy and calm but I think I was not the only one breaking down inside. After Breakfast Brandon and I snuck off into the backyard. He held me tight while tears flowed down my face. He kept whispering that he loved me over and over again. We shared the perfect last kiss and it was incredibly painful to pull away knowing that it would be two years before this happened again. The grass was damp and the air was cold. His being there so close felt so right.
His family left to have him set apart and I drove home until that afternoon when I met his family at the airport. He was already set apart so no more hugs and kisses. After his family said goodbye they gave us some space. Brandon and I walked around the airport. I showed him the exact spot that I would be standing when he returned and told him that I would be wearing the same clothes that I am wearing today down to the shoes and would not wear them until then. He took a picture of me standing there on his camera to look at and help him imagine his return. I put on my best welcome back face for the picture though I know that I am going to be blotchy red with tears when that day arrives. That outfit is now in a box not to be worn until I see him again.

I wanted to be the last familiar voice that he heard so I watched him go through the security checkpoint line before running up to him just before he went through and leaned close to his ear careful not to touch and whispered that I loved him. Apparently he was not as careful about the no hugging rule because he suddenly grabbed me close for one last hug. I think he talked to his bishop about that once he got to the MTC. Haha. I handed him three very bulky letters that I had already written him. One for the plane, one for his first night in the MTC and one huge one for when times got tough. He tells me the he has not read the third one yet but gets strength from just looking at it in the envelope. He wants to read it on his flight home just before he sees me again in my same outfit standing exactly where the picture was taken.