Thursday, March 12, 2009

Taste The Memories

So many of my memories with Brandon are brought back through the sense of taste. I can remember exactly what we ate on so many of our romantic dates and all the times we spent hours in my kitchen making fun treats to share. There are certain tastes that remind me of Brandon. It is as if we have tastes rather than a song. Mac&Cheese is our meal. Brandon loves the stuff and I would make it for him all the time. I can only eat it now when I really miss him and need a pick-me-up. Brandon's favorite desserts have lemon in them. For our one year anniversary I made him the most amazing lemon chiffon cake. Yesterday was our four month mark on his mission (1/6th of the way) and I was missing him so much that I spent two hours making the most beautiful lemon chiffon cake to remember him. I looked at the price of overnight shipping to Mexico but it is SOOOO much. Sadly I will just be able to send him pictures.
Once the cake was made I could hardly eat any and it was lonely eating it alone so I saved it for my home teachers who came and visited my roomie Jane and I. They loved the cake but have no idea about the real reason I made it. I miss you so much Brandon. I also know that the work you are doing is more important than any other. Lemon Chiffon is just not the same without you and I do not know if I can have Mac&Cheese for a while but the sacrifice you are making not only blesses me but it blesses all the people who love you. Our souls are one.


  1. As one of the people who has known the two of you practically FOREVER, you can always lean on me when you miss him.

  2. Caleb LOVES macaroni and cheese too, and his favorite desserts have lemon in them! So funny. I couldn't make mac and cheese for the first 4 months or so that he was gone, it killed me every time. It's great getting to know you girl :)


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