Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Baby Babies!

Kate, my best married friend, had twin girls last month and we just celebrated their 1st month birthday. Faith and Hope are getting so big and adorable. Faith has the weight and Hope has the length. For the girls 1 month B-day gift I made them this adorable paper bag scrapbook. It is complete with tons of ribbon, pop-outs and tabbed inserts. I had to watch the BBC Pride and Prejudice TWICE before I was finished but it is seriously the most amazing gift ever! I cannot get enough of MR. Darcy's long glances in Lizzy's direction as she plays and sings Voi Che Sapete from la Nozze di Figaro by Mozart. Is there anything more tender? Anyway, Here are the pics of my awesome gift. I have some cute ideas in my head for Faith and Hope's 2 month!

1 comment:

  1. Faith and Hope were SOOOO adorable! I am happy that i got to see them too.


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