Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Heart Conference

This is my first conference with Brandon on his mish and missionary work was on my mind. I knew that if I prepared myself to be taught that HF would put the right words directly into my heart. I felt like every talk was about being a missionary, either full time or as a member missionary and I am excited to share the gospel with those around me. Conference is a huge spiritual charge for me and I have to use that charge to it's fullest over the next six months. Here are the treasures that touched me!
Elder Cook told the story of the Atheist campaign in London telling people that there is no God. This surprised and crushed me. I have such a great work ahead of me as a member missionary with Satan so strong in these last days. I pray that Brandon's mouth will be opened to those who are in the midst of spiritual storms. I wish that we could preach God's love on buses and let everyone know that there is a meaning to our time here on earth.
The Atheist Campaign The message I want to share with the world! God Lives and Loves You....The Mormons Elder Cook also instructed "Our Obligation is to love and teach and never give up". Love is the most powerful gift we have. I LOVE LOVE LOVED Elder pearson's Six destructive D’s:

Doubt, discouragement, distraction, lack of diligence, disobedience, disbelief. This time in my life is the hardest it has ever been. It is so hard being in school, not being able to talk and be with Brandon and feeling alone around people who do not understand what I am going though. My most important calling right now is to be cheerful and serve others. Avoiding the destructive D's is going to have such a + influence in my life!

Elder Oaks quoted President Monson after telling President Hinkley's "forget yourself and go to work" missionary experience. I know that everyday Brandon is learning to forget himself. He is such an amazing missionary who I admire so much. President Monson said You can never love the Lord until you serve him by serving his people”. What amazing and inspiring words.

Mother Teresa "We cannot do great things only small things with great acts of love"

Elder Perry has always held a special place in my heart. When I was in High School he visited my region and spoke during a regional EMFS (early morning fire side) on the importance of the Articles of Faith. I am so grateful that my mom made me memorize them when I was eight so that they have become part of who I am. I felt that it was inspired that his talk focused so much on Missionary Work. The phrase that stood out the most to me was "Missionary work becomes the responsibility of all of us as soon as we have been warned". I love conference and can not wait to get Brandon's notes from what touched him. I am going to put together a conference package for him later today with some of my inspirations!

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