Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Calling!!!

My Bishop pulled me aside today to give me a new calling. I am going to be a RS teacher and I am SOOOO nervous, excited, and anxious. I will be teaching once a month which gives me a month to prepare. I can't wait to talk to the pres. and find out what my first lesson will be on! I am so scared that all the sisters are going to have to listen to me talk for 40 minutes. I really hope that I am not boring. I have never had a calling like this before ('cept when I was a GD teacher but there were only 5 or 6 in a class and being Laurel's pres was pretty tough because I would have to conduct all the time and give lots of mini-lessons) but this is just so much more stressful then those.

Even though I'm embracing change and going forward with faith I will seriously miss being a VT supervisor. I got to know so many amazing sisters who I will miss having church reasons to call. I will miss getting to know all the sisters in their homes, being a VT sub and having busy days at the end of the month to make sure we get 100%. Being a supervisor was challenging but I liked having a goal to achieve and being a teacher is so much different. I will just have to prepare as much as I can, pray, have faith and let HF use me as an instrument to touch the sisters who need to hear the words of the lesson. If you have any teaching tips let me know. I will post when I get my fist lesson looking for ideas! OH BOY!


  1. I know you will miss your old calling, but I can't wait to hear your lessons. We always have great VT discussions and as long as you stay close to the spirit you will be AMAZING!

  2. You are going to be an AWESOME teacher. Can't wait.

  3. Seriously you will miss being VT supervisor? I'm VT coordinator right now and I HATE IT! haha I know that's not nice, but I have to call my supervisors at like 5 times before they talk to me and I feel like the most annoying person in the world. I would way rather be a RS teacher. I've been a RS teacher before. I loved it. You'll be great at it. Don't worry about hte time. Prepare lots and open up lots of discussions...


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