Thursday, April 30, 2009

AHHHH! When will it end!

To everyone who has expressed their love and concern for Brandon, I want to say that I love you so much and share what I have learned from Brandon about the swine flu. I have been postponing venting my worries about it but am just plain worried. I sit online every chance that I get reading about it, praying that there will be a break in the epidemic. My latest letter from Brandon said that the missionaries are under strict sanitation orders. He sent me his copy of the guidelines:
  • Wash your hands frequently, especially if you have had contact with someone that is ill.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes with your hands.
  • Do not greet someone directly with a handshake or a kiss. (come greet me with a kiss, I'm safe, I promise!)
  • Avoid places where there is close contact with large groups of people, like the subway and buses.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A and C (carrots, papaya, guayaba, oranges, mandarin oranges, limes, lemons, pineapple, etc.)
  • If flu like symptoms are detected, seek medical help immediately.

On top of this they are not allowed to eat from street vendors and the missionaries carry antibacterial gel. All their church meetings have been cancelled until further notice from the church. I always wish Brandon was here with me but I know that he is doing the Lord’s work. Is it to much to ask for him to come home until this blows over? I guess all we can do pray for Brandon and all the other missionaries at risk of being exposed.

Brandon wrote: "Pretty much everyone is wearing face masks and we wear them when we go outside. Really dorky but it is better to be safe. The buses are kinda empty and the lack of tourists in the city is strange. Kinda weird to be in a city that was once so busy and is now relatively quiet. Kids are not going to school, people are staying home from work and all
our church meeting are canceled. Everything we are told is pretty scary stuff about how quickly it spreads and how many people are dying. Pray for everyone here."

This whole thing is driving me CRAZY! I am trying to not go insane but can I just say how ridiculous it is that we live in a world like this! Why does Brandon have to be in Mexico instead of somewhere safe like North Dakota?

Here is the statement that the church released:

“Church leaders are closely monitoring news, security and medical reports
regarding the swine flu outbreak. The Mexican government has requested that all
churches and organizations in Mexico City and affected areas suspend public
meetings and has asked residents to follow basic sanitary precautions to guard
against infections. We have asked our members and missionaries to follow these
precautions and Church leaders have cancelled meetings until further notice. All
missionaries in the affected areas are reported to be safe."


  1. wow thats really scary! I'm sorry.. Just remember that the Lord is looking out for his servants. Stay strong! :)

  2. James got the same email for precautions....and he's in Russia no where near the swine flu. I think the church just tries to be extra protective of their missionaries. I'm sure Brandon will be okay!!

  3. Brandon is just the sort of guy who would not tell anyone he is sick until he is dead. I'm sure he will be fine but I'm praying for him.


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