Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dear Toaster

Toaster, Oh Toaster
I'm pretty sure that my parents got you as a wedding gift a billion years ago.
You had no setting, just overdone.
I love eating bagels in the morning but had to buy small ones that fit into you.
Once you caught on fire and I thought you were broke but you kept on cookin'.
Now you are dead and I have no idea why.
You passed in your sleep without a struggle or a battle.
I will always miss you, no toaster will ever be the same.


  1. I will always miss your toaster too but lets be honest, one that works will be nice. I will pick one up after work along with full size bagels!

  2. I love that you found my blog!!! haha. That's awesome, and yes, I will let you stalk it as much as you want.
    So are you in the group on facebook? or just know people who are in the group?

  3. Girlfriend! Your blog is SOOO adorable! I love your cute layout! Thanks for checking out my blog. I'm the first one you read had to be my conceited one about my hair. Haha, I'm a little embarrassed about how much I talked about myself in that one!

    Keep up the blogging, I'll be checking it out!


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